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"Single storey extension woes"

A review of McShane Construction Ltd by Patrick Sharkey written on Monday 25th of April 2016


We had a single storey extension built by McShane Construction last year. Unfortunately, we did the sill thing of handing over most of the money before the job had been half completed. The 3 month project subsequently turned into a 9 month one.

We had problems with the external render (they even asked us how to do it), painters who were paid and then didn't complete the work, and over a year after the project started there are still some things that haven't been finished. We have unsightly render lines where the extension joins the main house (we suspect because the builder used different size blocks on the same wall),.

We haven't heard from them since we found out they were trying to charge us for sanitary ware they had used on another job (they told us it was a charge from B&Q)..

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McShane Construction Ltd

Map showing McShane Construction Ltd on Off Glaziers Lane